I admit it. In the past, I have gone a bit over-the-top when buying goody “bags” to give out at my daughter’s birthday parties. The little plastic pails and little canvas purses I filled with party favors were certainly cute. But it’s hard to nail down exactly how many favor bags to buy, so post party, I was left with extra pails and purses that I didn’t have much use for, at least until the next party came around.
Fast forward to my son’s recent 2-year-old birthday party, and I’m already out of the bags I bought. Why? I bought small, solid color gift bags in bulk, a trick for saving money on birthday party goody bags that is today’s hint.
The gift bags were perfect for holding party favors, and they were easy to decorate to fit the party theme with taped on (and easily removable) cards. But most importantly, they were cheaper than purses or pails, and I was able to use them after the event whenever I needed a small gift bag. Plus, I figure the parents of party attendees were probably able to reuse the bags as well.
To be sure, inexpensive gift bags generally aren’t that durable. There also are many other strategies for cutting the cost of goody bags or goody bag equivalents, like opting instead to give each child a useful item sans bag, such as an inexpensive book or a jar of bubbles.
Finally, here’s another money-saving tip: Opting for solid color party supplies in general – from goody bags to plates and napkins – can help cut party costs.
What’s your best tip for saving money on goody bags and favors, besides skipping them altogether?
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My tip? Buy favors, if you can, at a dollar store or Daiso! https://hintmama.com/2015/04/30/todays-hint-what-to-buy-at-the-dollar-store/
We use to play a lot of games like pin the tail on the donkey. We also had a lot of prizes for the kids that won the games we played.