When you’re changing diapers on the go, there’s not always a trashcan nearby where you can throw out the dirty diaper. So, it’s a good idea to have disposable bags in your diaper bag that you can use to store the used diaper and wipes until you find a trash bin.
Today’s hint is a dog product that is perfect for this purpose: Dog waste bags.
With a roll of dog waste bags in your diaper bag, you’ll always have a stink-free and “waterproof bag to throw the dirty diaper in,” according to new mom Keara of Brooklyn, who shared this hint with me in a cute and helpful infographic she made of the baby products she has found most useful so far (see her full infographic to the right – click on it twice to see it at full size).
Keara, the mom of a 2.5-week-old baby who has no affiliations with the products mentioned in her for-fun infographic, says she learned the super smart doggie bag tip from her friend, who has a 7 week old.
I love this idea, because dog waste bags tend to be cheaper than the Ziploc bags that were often my go-to solution. On Amazon.com, for instance, you can get 700 pet-waste bags for about the same price as 216 Ziploc freezer bags.
To be sure, there are other even more affordable options for storing the dirty diapers, like those free plastic produce baggies from grocery stores, or any plastic bags you get free for that matter. Still, dog waste bags would seem to have an advantage over these options too: They’re often designed to contain leaks and bad smells.
What pet products have you found work great for parenting and vice versa? What do you use to hold dirty diapers in your diaper bag and why? What’s your best diaper-bag tip?
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I love these bags!!! Been using them for diapers since my daughter was born.
I can’t open the info graphic. It’s blurry when I double click on it. Could you please send it to {me} or repost it? Thanks
Be sure that you’re clicking on it once so that it opens on its own page, and then click on it again to magnify it.